"Ogni cosa era piu' sua che di ogni altro perchè la terra, l'aria, l'acqua non hanno padroni ma sono di tutti gli uomini, o meglio di chi sa farsi terra, aria, acqua e sentirsi parte di tutto il creato." (Mario Rigoni Stern)

mercoledì 30 marzo 2016


PARK's Head Office
Tandura street, 2
31100 Treviso

e,p.c. “Our Italy” 's Members

Object: SILIFFE Life Project - Meeting with associations?

We'have read on web tha “The Siliffe Life Project for the improving of Sile river's habitats and species is starting its first activities.”
After the first two information meetings with fishermen and farmers associations, we want courteously ask to you when you think to involve environmentalist associations as “Our Italy” or “Word Wide Fund” or “Environment League”.

We remember to you that in Park rules there is a special meeting called “Park's Council Board” that you haven't brounght since fifteen years.

We've read that “the meetings are open to anyone who is interested in the project's themes”, but we think you don't enjoy to have our partecipation and so we remain at home.
Best regards

Treviso, March, 30th , 2016
p. “Our Italy Treviso” 
the chiarman Romeo Scarpa

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